<-- mermaid -->

New RelicのSLOモニタリング+バーンレートアラートをCDK for Terraform(cdktf)でIaC管理する

こんにちは、ソーシャル経済メディア「NewsPicks」でSREをしている飯野です。 今回はSREで行ったNew RelicをCDK for TerraformでIaC管理する話を紹介したいと思います。





というわけで、SREチームでNew RelicのSLOモニタリングをIaCで管理する方法を模索することになったのでした。

CDK for Terraformとcdktf-newrelic-provider

New RelicのIaC化にはterraform-newrelicが利用できます。しかし当然ですがTerraformでしか使えません*1。全面的にCDKを採用しているNewsPicksとしては、開発者によるメンテナンスやコントリビュートが盛んに行われているCDKの開発者体験を手放したくないと考えていました。また、後述のバーンレートアラートの閾値などは、複雑な計算式を理解しなくてもメンテナンスできるようにしたいという要件もありました。

今回はCDKのようにTerraformを扱えるCDK for Terraform(cdktf)とcdktf-newrelic-providerを組み合わせてIaC管理を行うことにしました。


この記事を公開した2023/09/28にCloudFormationでもNew Relicのリソースが管理できるようになったという発表がありました。

発表時点ではServiceLevelに対応していないためCDK for Terraformを採用する理由がありますが、今後対応が進めばCDKを直接利用することもできそうです。



  • APIごとに担当チームを設定したい
  • APIごとにServiceLevelを作成したい
  • ServiceLevelに問題があった場合にAlertを上げたい
    • Alertにはバーンレートアラートを採用して、一瞬の変化は無視したい
  • Alertが上がったらチームのSlackチャンネルに通知したい
  • チームごとにServiceLevelの状態が一覧できるダッシュボードがあるとなお良い
    • このブログでは範囲外とします

CDK for Terraformで実装していく





-1. cdktf init

プロジェクトテンプレートを使ってプロジェクトを作成します。 --providers=newrelic/newrelicを指定して作成するとproviderもインストールしてくれるので便利です。

$ mkdir techblog-2023-09
$ cd techblog-2023-09
$ cdktf init --template=typescript --providers=newrelic/newrelic --local


  • cdktf-0.18.0
  • cdktf-newrelic-provider-10.0.2

0. @cdktf/newrelic-provicerの初期化



diff --git a/main.ts b/main.ts
index 6214796..6770b97 100644
--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,42 @@
-import { App, TerraformStack } from "cdktf";
+import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
+import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
 import { Construct } from "constructs";

+interface MyStackProps {
+    readonly newrelicAccountId: number;
+    readonly newrelicRegion: "US" | "EU";
 class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
-    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
+    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: MyStackProps) {
         super(scope, id);

-        // define resources here
+        const apiKey = this.createNewrelicApiKeyVariables();
+        new NewrelicProvider(this, "newrelic", {
+            accountId: props.newrelicAccountId,
+            apiKey: apiKey.value,
+            region: props.newrelicRegion,
+        });
+    }
+    protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
+        const apiKey = new TerraformVariable(this, "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY", {
+            type: "string",
+            description: "New Relic API Key",
+            nullable: false,
+            sensitive: true,
+        });
+        apiKey.addValidation({
+            condition: Fn.can(Fn.regex("^NRAK", apiKey.fqn)),
+            errorMessage: "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY value must be valid API Key, starting with `NRAK`",
+        });
+        return apiKey;

 const app = new App();
-new MyStack(app, "techblog-2023-09");
+new MyStack(app, "techblog-2023-09", {
+    newrelicAccountId: Number(process.env.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID),
+    newrelicRegion: "US",


+        const apiKey = this.createNewrelicApiKeyVariables();
+        new NewrelicProvider(this, "newrelic", {
+            accountId: props.newrelicAccountId,
+            apiKey: apiKey.value,
+            region: props.newrelicRegion,
+        });


+    protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
+        const apiKey = new TerraformVariable(this, "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY", {
+            type: "string",
+            description: "New Relic API Key",
+            nullable: false,
+            sensitive: true,
+        });
+        return apiKey;

現在のディレクトリの *.auto.tfvarsterraform.tfvars というファイルを自動で読み込むので次の内容で保存しておくと良いです。

NEW_RELIC_API_KEY = "NRAK-xxxxxxxxx"

Terraform Variableのvalidationも試したくなったので、APIキーがNRAKから始まっていることを確認しています。

+        apiKey.addValidation({
+            condition: Fn.can(Fn.regex("^NRAK", apiKey.fqn)),
+            errorMessage: "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY value must be valid API Key, starting with `NRAK`",
+        });




--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
 import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
 import { Construct } from "constructs";
@@ -5,6 +6,7 @@ import { Construct } from "constructs";
 interface MyStackProps {
     readonly newrelicAccountId: number;
     readonly newrelicRegion: "US" | "EU";
+    readonly entityName: string;

 class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
@@ -17,6 +19,8 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
             apiKey: apiKey.value,
             region: props.newrelicRegion,
+        new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });

     protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
@@ -38,5 +42,6 @@ const app = new App();
 new MyStack(app, "techblog-2023-09", {
     newrelicAccountId: Number(process.env.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID),
     newrelicRegion: "US",
+    entityName: process.env.ENTITY_NAME!,

DataNewrelicEntityはNew RelicのAPMやモバイルアプリなどのEnttiyを扱うための読み取り専用のクラスです*2。ServiceLevelはEntityに対して作成するので準備しておきます。

+        new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });




--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
 import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
+import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
 import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
 import { Construct } from "constructs";
+import * as SqlString from "sqlstring";
+interface EndpointConfig {
+    readonly id: string;
+    readonly transactionName: string;

 interface MyStackProps {
     readonly newrelicAccountId: number;
@@ -20,7 +27,24 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
             region: props.newrelicRegion,

-        new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });
+        const entity = new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });
+        const configs: EndpointConfig[] = [
+            {
+                id: "news-news-id-get",
+                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/news/{news} (GET)",
+            },
+            {
+                id: "live-movie-news-movie-id-get",
+                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/live-movie/{liveMovieId} (GET)",
+            },
+        ];
+        configs.map((config) => {
+            return {
+                id: config.id,
+                availability: this.createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity, config),
+                latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
+            };
+        });

protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
@@ -36,6 +60,85 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
         return apiKey;
+    createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
+        const accountId = entity.accountId;
+        const name = ["Availability:", config.id].join(" ");
+        const description = "";
+        const objective = {
+            target: 99.9,
+            timeWindow: {
+                rolling: {
+                    count: 7,
+                    unit: "DAY",
+                },
+            },
+        };
+        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ?", [entity.guid]);
+        const validWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND name = ?`, [config.transactionName]);
+        const badWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND transactionName = ? AND error.expected IS FALSE`, [
+            config.transactionName,
+        ]);
+        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-availability-service-level`, {
+            guid: entity.guid,
+            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
+            description,
+            events: {
+                accountId,
+                validEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: validWhere,
+                },
+                badEvents: {
+                    from: "TransactionError",
+                    where: badWhere,
+                },
+            },
+            objective,
+        });
+    }
+    createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
+        const accountId = entity.accountId;
+        const name = ["Latency:", config.id].join(" ");
+        const description = "";
+        const objective = {
+            target: 80.0,
+            timeWindow: {
+                rolling: {
+                    count: 7,
+                    unit: "DAY",
+                },
+            },
+        };
+        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ? AND name = ?", [entity.guid, config.transactionName]);
+        const validWhere = baseCondition;
+        const goodWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND duration < ?`, [0.5]);
+        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-latency-service-level`, {
+            guid: entity.guid,
+            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
+            description,
+            events: {
+                accountId,
+                validEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: validWhere,
+                },
+                goodEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: goodWhere,
+                },
+            },
+            objective,
+        });
+    }

 const app = new App();

一つ目のServiceLevelはAvailabilityに対するものです。 objective でSLOを設定しており、99.9%以上の可用性があることを目標にしています。 badWhereの条件はアプリケーションによってカスタマイズの余地があり、NewsPicksサーバーでは外部APIの呼び出し失敗やコンテンツのAccept Header由来のエラーは除外しています。

+    createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
+        const accountId = entity.accountId;
+        const name = ["Availability:", config.id].join(" ");
+        const description = "";
+        const objective = {
+            target: 99.9,
+            timeWindow: {
+                rolling: {
+                    count: 7,
+                    unit: "DAY",
+                },
+            },
+        };
+        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ?", [entity.guid]);
+        const validWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND name = ?`, [config.transactionName]);
+        const badWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND transactionName = ? AND error.expected IS FALSE`, [
+            config.transactionName,
+        ]);
+        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-availability-service-level`, {
+            guid: entity.guid,
+            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
+            description,
+            events: {
+                accountId,
+                validEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: validWhere,
+                },
+                badEvents: {
+                    from: "TransactionError",
+                    where: badWhere,
+                },
+            },
+            objective,
+        });
+    }

二つ目はLatencyに対するServiceLevelです。 こちらはレイテンシーが0.5秒以内のリクエストが80%以上あることを目標にしています。説明用ということで0.5秒をハードコードしていますが、実際はエンドポイントごとに適切な目標を設定しています。

+    createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
+        const accountId = entity.accountId;
+        const name = ["Latency:", config.id].join(" ");
+        const description = "";
+        const objective = {
+            target: 80.0,
+            timeWindow: {
+                rolling: {
+                    count: 7,
+                    unit: "DAY",
+                },
+            },
+        };
+        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ? AND name = ?", [entity.guid, config.transactionName]);
+        const validWhere = baseCondition;
+        const goodWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND duration < ?`, [0.5]);
+        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-latency-service-level`, {
+            guid: entity.guid,
+            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
+            description,
+            events: {
+                accountId,
+                validEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: validWhere,
+                },
+                goodEvents: {
+                    from: "Transaction",
+                    where: goodWhere,
+                },
+            },
+            objective,
+        });
+    }


-        new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });
+        const entity = new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });
+        const configs: EndpointConfig[] = [
+            {
+                id: "news-news-id-get",
+                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/news/{news} (GET)",
+            },
+            {
+                id: "live-movie-news-movie-id-get",
+                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/live-movie/{liveMovieId} (GET)",
+            },
+        ];
+        configs.map((config) => {
+            return {
+                id: config.id,
+                availability: this.createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity, config),
+                latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
+            };
+        });





--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { AlertPolicy } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/alert-policy";
 import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
 import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
@@ -45,6 +46,12 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
                 latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
+        // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/new-relic-alerts/alert-policies/specify-when-alerts-create-incidents/
+        new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
+            name: [entity.name, "SLO violation"].join(" - "),
+            incidentPreference: "PER_CONDITION",
+        });

     protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {

これから作成するAlertConditionは監視対象のServiceLevelが異なるため独立性が高いので、AlertPolicyにはAlertConditionごとにIssueを作成する PER_CONDITIONを設定します。

+        new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
+            name: [entity.name, "SLO violation"].join(" - "),
+            incidentPreference: "PER_CONDITION",
+        });




--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 import { AlertPolicy } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/alert-policy";
 import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
+import { EntityTags } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/entity-tags";
+import { NrqlAlertCondition } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/nrql-alert-condition";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
 import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
 import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
@@ -9,6 +11,13 @@ import * as SqlString from "sqlstring";
 interface EndpointConfig {
     readonly id: string;
     readonly transactionName: string;
+    readonly teams: string[];
+interface EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig {
+    readonly id: string;
+    readonly serviceLevel: ServiceLevel;
+    readonly teams: string[];

 interface MyStackProps {
@@ -33,25 +42,36 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
                 id: "news-news-id-get",
                 transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/news/{news} (GET)",
+                teams: ["SRE", "DEV"],
                 id: "live-movie-news-movie-id-get",
                 transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/live-movie/{liveMovieId} (GET)",
+                teams: ["DEV"],
-        configs.map((config) => {
+        const serviceLevels = configs.map((config) => {
             return {
                 id: config.id,
                 availability: this.createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity, config),
                 latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
+                teams: config.teams,

         // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/new-relic-alerts/alert-policies/specify-when-alerts-create-incidents/
-        new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
+        const alertPolicy = new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
             name: [entity.name, "SLO violation"].join(" - "),
             incidentPreference: "PER_CONDITION",
+        for (const serviceLevel of serviceLevels) {
+            this.createEndpointAvailabilityNrqlAlertCondition(alertPolicy, {
+                id: serviceLevel.id,
+                serviceLevel: serviceLevel.availability,
+                teams: serviceLevel.teams,
+            });
+        }

     protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
@@ -146,6 +166,78 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
+    createEndpointAvailabilityNrqlAlertCondition(
+        alertPolicy: AlertPolicy,
+        endpointAlertConfig: EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig,
+    ): NrqlAlertCondition {
+        const serviceLevel = endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel;
+        const name = ["SLO violation", serviceLevel.name].join(" ");
+        const query = SqlString.format(
+            [
+                "FROM Metric",
+                "SELECT",
+                "  100 - clamp_max((sum(newrelic.sli.valid) - sum(newrelic.sli.bad)) / sum(newrelic.sli.valid) * 100, 100) as 'Error Rate'",
+                "WHERE sli.guid = ?",
+            ].join(" "),
+            [serviceLevel.sliGuid],
+        );
+        const alertCondition = new NrqlAlertCondition(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition`, {
+            // Workaround: https://github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-newrelic/issues/972
+            policyId: Fn.tonumber(alertPolicy.id),
+            name,
+            type: "static",
+            nrql: {
+                query,
+            },
+            critical: {
+                operator: "ABOVE",
+                threshold: this.calculateThreshold(endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel),
+                thresholdDuration: 60,
+                thresholdOccurrences: "AT_LEAST_ONCE",
+            },
+            aggregationWindow: 3600,
+            slideBy: 60,
+            // null可だがnullの場合、常に差分が出るためデフォルト値を指定する
+            violationTimeLimitSeconds: 259200,
+        });
+        new EntityTags(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition-tags`, {
+            guid: alertCondition.entityGuid,
+            tag: [
+                {
+                    key: "team",
+                    values: endpointAlertConfig.teams,
+                },
+            ],
+        });
+        return alertCondition;
+    }
+    calculateThreshold(
+        serviceLevel: ServiceLevel,
+        errorBudgetConsumptionRate = this.googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate,
+    ): number {
+        const sloTarget = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.target ?? 99.9;
+        const errorRate = 1.0 - sloTarget / 100.0;
+        const burnRate = this.calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate);
+        // アラート閾値はパーセンテージ。かける100をする
+        return errorRate * burnRate * 100;
+    }
+    calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel: ServiceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate: number): number {
+        const sloTimeWindowDays = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.timeWindow.rolling.count ?? 7;
+        const sloTimeWindowHours = sloTimeWindowDays * 24;
+        const alertWindowHours = 1.0;
+        return (errorBudgetConsumptionRate * sloTimeWindowHours) / alertWindowHours;
+    }
+    // Googleは1時間で2%のSLOエラーバジェット消費についてアラートを出すことを推奨している
+    // https://sre.google/workbook/alerting-on-slos/
+    get googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate(): number {
+        return 0.02;
+    }

 const app = new App();

AlertConditionのクエリで sli.guidを条件に絞り込むことでServiceLeveごとに状態を監視する条件が作成できます。

+    createEndpointAvailabilityNrqlAlertCondition(
+        alertPolicy: AlertPolicy,
+        endpointAlertConfig: EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig,
+    ): NrqlAlertCondition {
+        const serviceLevel = endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel;
+        const name = ["SLO violation", serviceLevel.name].join(" ");
+        const query = SqlString.format(
+            [
+                "FROM Metric",
+                "SELECT",
+                "  100 - clamp_max((sum(newrelic.sli.valid) - sum(newrelic.sli.bad)) / sum(newrelic.sli.valid) * 100, 100) as 'Error Rate'",
+                "WHERE sli.guid = ?",
+            ].join(" "),
+            [serviceLevel.sliGuid],
+        );
+        const alertCondition = new NrqlAlertCondition(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition`, {
+            // Workaround: https://github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-newrelic/issues/972
+            policyId: Fn.tonumber(alertPolicy.id),
+            name,
+            type: "static",
+            nrql: {
+                query,
+            },
+            critical: {
+                operator: "ABOVE",
+                threshold: this.calculateThreshold(endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel),
+                thresholdDuration: 60,
+                thresholdOccurrences: "AT_LEAST_ONCE",
+            },
+            aggregationWindow: 3600,
+            slideBy: 60,
+            // null可だがnullの場合、常に差分が出るためデフォルト値を指定する
+            violationTimeLimitSeconds: 259200,
+        });
... omit

+        return alertCondition;
+    }

AlertConditionの作成のキモとなる部分はcritical.thresholdを計算している calculateThreshold です。


+    calculateThreshold(
+        serviceLevel: ServiceLevel,
+        errorBudgetConsumptionRate = this.googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate,
+    ): number {
+        const sloTarget = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.target ?? 99.9;
+        const errorRate = 1.0 - sloTarget / 100.0;
+        const burnRate = this.calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate);
+        // アラート閾値はパーセンテージ。100をする
+        return errorRate * burnRate * 100;
+    }
+    calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel: ServiceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate: number): number {
+        const sloTimeWindowDays = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.timeWindow.rolling.count ?? 7;
+        const sloTimeWindowHours = sloTimeWindowDays * 24;
+        const alertWindowHours = 1.0;
+        return (errorBudgetConsumptionRate * sloTimeWindowHours) / alertWindowHours;
+    }
+    // Googleは1時間で2%のSLOエラーバジェット消費についてアラートを出すことを推奨している
+    // https://sre.google/workbook/alerting-on-slos/
+    get googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate(): number {
+        return 0.02;
+    }


+        new EntityTags(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition-tags`, {
+            guid: alertCondition.entityGuid,
+            tag: [
+                {
+                    key: "team",
+                    values: endpointAlertConfig.teams,
+                },
+            ],
+        });


@@ -33,25 +42,36 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
                 id: "news-news-id-get",
                 transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/news/{news} (GET)",
+                teams: ["SRE", "DEV"],
                 id: "live-movie-news-movie-id-get",
                 transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/live-movie/{liveMovieId} (GET)",
+                teams: ["DEV"],
-        configs.map((config) => {
+        const serviceLevels = configs.map((config) => {
             return {
                 id: config.id,
                 availability: this.createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity, config),
                 latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
+                teams: config.teams,

         // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/new-relic-alerts/alert-policies/specify-when-alerts-create-incidents/
-        new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
+        const alertPolicy = new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
             name: [entity.name, "SLO violation"].join(" - "),
             incidentPreference: "PER_CONDITION",
+        for (const serviceLevel of serviceLevels) {
+            this.createEndpointAvailabilityNrqlAlertCondition(alertPolicy, {
+                id: serviceLevel.id,
+                serviceLevel: serviceLevel.availability,
+                teams: serviceLevel.teams,
+            });
+        }


5. NotificationDestinationの作成

NotificationDestinationはData Sourcesなのでcdktfでは作成できません。 公式ドキュメントを参考に作成し、IDをメモしておいてください。

6. NotificationChannelの作成



--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { AlertPolicy } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/alert-policy";
 import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
 import { EntityTags } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/entity-tags";
+import { NotificationChannel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/notification-channel";
 import { NrqlAlertCondition } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/nrql-alert-condition";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
 import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
@@ -20,10 +21,16 @@ interface EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig {
     readonly teams: string[];

+interface Team {
+    readonly name: string;
+    readonly slackChannelId: string;
 interface MyStackProps {
     readonly newrelicAccountId: number;
     readonly newrelicRegion: "US" | "EU";
     readonly entityName: string;
+    readonly slackDestinationId: string;

 class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
@@ -72,6 +79,21 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
                 teams: serviceLevel.teams,
+        const teams: Team[] = [
+            {
+                name: "SRE",
+                slackChannelId: "xxxxx",
+            },
+            {
+                name: "DEV",
+                slackChannelId: "yyyyy",
+            },
+        ];
+        for (const team of teams) {
+            this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+        }

     protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
@@ -238,6 +260,21 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
         // アラート閾値はパーセンテージを表すかける100をする
         return errorRate * burnRate * 100;
+    createNotificationChannel(destinationId: string, team: Team): NotificationChannel {
+         return new NotificationChannel(this, `${team.name}-notification-channel`, {
+            destinationId,
+            name: `Team notification channel (${team.name})`,
+            type: "SLACK",
+            product: "IINT",
+            property: [
+                {
+                    key: "channelId",
+                    value: team.slackChannelId,
+                },
+            ],
+        });
+    }

 const app = new App();
@@ -245,5 +282,6 @@ new MyStack(app, "techblog-2023-09", {
     newrelicAccountId: Number(process.env.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID),
     newrelicRegion: "US",
     entityName: process.env.ENTITY_NAME!,
+    slackDestinationId: process.env.SLACK_DESTINATION_ID!,

NotificationChannelはNotificationDestinationのどこに通知するかを扱います。typepropertyを設定して特定のSlack channelに通知する設定を作成します。

+    createNotificationChannel(destinationId: string, team: Team): NotificationChannel {
+         return new NotificationChannel(this, `${team.name}-notification-channel`, {
+            destinationId,
+            name: `Team notification channel (${team.name})`,
+            type: "SLACK",
+            product: "IINT",
+            property: [
+                {
+                    key: "channelId",
+                    value: team.slackChannelId,
+                },
+            ],
+        });
+    }

チームごとにNotificationChannelを作成し、アラートをそれぞれのSlack channelに通知できるようにします。

+        const teams: Team[] = [
+            {
+                name: "SRE",
+                slackChannelId: "xxxxx",
+            },
+            {
+                name: "DEV",
+                slackChannelId: "yyyyy",
+            },
+        ];
+        for (const team of teams) {
+            this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+        }

7. Workflowの作成



--- a/main.ts
+++ b/main.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { NotificationChannel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/notification-c
 import { NrqlAlertCondition } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/nrql-alert-condition";
 import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
 import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
+import { Workflow } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/workflow";
 import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
 import { Construct } from "constructs";
 import * as SqlString from "sqlstring";
@@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {

         for (const team of teams) {
-            this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+            const notificationChannel = this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+            this.createWorkflow([alertPolicy], notificationChannel, team, false);

@@ -275,6 +277,43 @@ class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
+    // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/applied-intelligence/incident-workflows/incident-workflows/
+    createWorkflow(
+        alertPolicies: AlertPolicy[],
+        notificationChannel: NotificationChannel,
+        team: Team,
+        workflowEnabled: boolean,
+    ): Workflow {
+        return new Workflow(this, `${team.name}-workflow`, {
+            name: `Team Alert Notification (${team.name})`,
+            issuesFilter: {
+                name: "filter by tag team",
+                type: "FILTER",
+                predicate: [
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.policyId",
+                        operator: "EXACTLY_MATCHES",
+                        values: alertPolicies.map((alertPolicy) => {
+                            return alertPolicy.id;
+                        }),
+                    },
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.team",
+                        operator: "CONTAINS",
+                        values: [team.name],
+                    },
+                ],
+            },
+            mutingRulesHandling: "NOTIFY_ALL_ISSUES",
+            destination: [
+                {
+                    channelId: notificationChannel.id,
+                },
+            ],
+            enabled: workflowEnabled,
+        });
+    }

 const app = new App();

Workflowの作成で重要なのは issuesFilter.predicatedestinationです。

+    // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/applied-intelligence/incident-workflows/incident-workflows/
+    createWorkflow(
+        alertPolicies: AlertPolicy[],
+        notificationChannel: NotificationChannel,
+        team: Team,
+        workflowEnabled: boolean,
+    ): Workflow {
+        return new Workflow(this, `${team.name}-workflow`, {
+            name: `Team Alert Notification (${team.name})`,
+            issuesFilter: {
+                name: "filter by tag team",
+                type: "FILTER",
+                predicate: [
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.policyId",
+                        operator: "EXACTLY_MATCHES",
+                        values: alertPolicies.map((alertPolicy) => {
+                            return alertPolicy.id;
+                        }),
+                    },
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.team",
+                        operator: "CONTAINS",
+                        values: [team.name],
+                    },
+                ],
+            },
+            mutingRulesHandling: "NOTIFY_ALL_ISSUES",
+            destination: [
+                {
+                    channelId: notificationChannel.id,
+                },
+            ],
+            enabled: workflowEnabled,
+        });
+    }


+            issuesFilter: {
+                name: "filter by tag team",
+                type: "FILTER",
+                predicate: [
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.policyId",
+                        operator: "EXACTLY_MATCHES",
+                        values: alertPolicies.map((alertPolicy) => {
+                            return alertPolicy.id;
+                        }),
+                    },
+                    {
+                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.team",
+                        operator: "CONTAINS",
+                        values: [team.name],
+                    },
+                ],
+            },


+            destination: [
+                {
+                    channelId: notificationChannel.id,
+                },
+            ],


         for (const team of teams) {
-            this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+            const notificationChannel = this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
+            this.createWorkflow([alertPolicy], notificationChannel, team, false);




import { AlertPolicy } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/alert-policy";
import { DataNewrelicEntity } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/data-newrelic-entity";
import { EntityTags } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/entity-tags";
import { NotificationChannel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/notification-channel";
import { NrqlAlertCondition } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/nrql-alert-condition";
import { NewrelicProvider } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/provider";
import { ServiceLevel } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/service-level";
import { Workflow } from "@cdktf/provider-newrelic/lib/workflow";
import { App, Fn, TerraformStack, TerraformVariable } from "cdktf";
import { Construct } from "constructs";
import * as SqlString from "sqlstring";

interface EndpointConfig {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly transactionName: string;
    readonly teams: string[];

interface EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly serviceLevel: ServiceLevel;
    readonly teams: string[];

interface Team {
    readonly name: string;
    readonly slackChannelId: string;

interface MyStackProps {
    readonly newrelicAccountId: number;
    readonly newrelicRegion: "US" | "EU";
    readonly entityName: string;
    readonly slackDestinationId: string;

class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
    constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: MyStackProps) {
        super(scope, id);

        const apiKey = this.createNewrelicApiKeyVariables();
        new NewrelicProvider(this, "newrelic", {
            accountId: props.newrelicAccountId,
            apiKey: apiKey.value,
            region: props.newrelicRegion,

        const entity = new DataNewrelicEntity(this, "techblog-app-entity", { name: props.entityName });
        const configs: EndpointConfig[] = [
                id: "news-news-id-get",
                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/news/{news} (GET)",
                teams: ["SRE", "DEV"],
                id: "live-movie-news-movie-id-get",
                transactionName: "WebTransaction/SpringController/live-movie/{liveMovieId} (GET)",
                teams: ["DEV"],
        const serviceLevels = configs.map((config) => {
            return {
                id: config.id,
                availability: this.createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity, config),
                latency: this.createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity, config),
                teams: config.teams,

        // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/new-relic-alerts/alert-policies/specify-when-alerts-create-incidents/
        const alertPolicy = new AlertPolicy(this, "alert-policy", {
            name: [entity.name, "SLO violation"].join(" - "),
            incidentPreference: "PER_CONDITION",

        for (const serviceLevel of serviceLevels) {
            this.createEndpointAvailabilityNrqlAlertCondition(alertPolicy, {
                id: serviceLevel.id,
                serviceLevel: serviceLevel.availability,
                teams: serviceLevel.teams,

        const teams: Team[] = [
                name: "SRE",
                slackChannelId: "xxxxx",
                name: "DEV",
                slackChannelId: "yyyyy",

        for (const team of teams) {
            const notificationChannel = this.createNotificationChannel(props.slackDestinationId, team);
            this.createWorkflow([alertPolicy], notificationChannel, team, false);

    protected createNewrelicApiKeyVariables(): TerraformVariable {
        const apiKey = new TerraformVariable(this, "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY", {
            type: "string",
            description: "New Relic API Key",
            nullable: false,
            sensitive: true,
            condition: Fn.can(Fn.regex("^NRAK", apiKey.fqn)),
            errorMessage: "NEW_RELIC_API_KEY value must be valid API Key, starting with `NRAK`",
        return apiKey;

    createEndpointAvailabilityServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
        const accountId = entity.accountId;
        const name = ["Availability:", config.id].join(" ");
        const description = "";

        const objective = {
            target: 99.9,
            timeWindow: {
                rolling: {
                    count: 7,
                    unit: "DAY",

        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ?", [entity.guid]);
        const validWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND name = ?`, [config.transactionName]);
        const badWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND transactionName = ? AND error.expected IS FALSE`, [

        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-availability-service-level`, {
            guid: entity.guid,
            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
            events: {
                validEvents: {
                    from: "Transaction",
                    where: validWhere,
                badEvents: {
                    from: "TransactionError",
                    where: badWhere,

    createEndpointLatencyServiceLevel(entity: DataNewrelicEntity, config: EndpointConfig): ServiceLevel {
        const accountId = entity.accountId;
        const name = ["Latency:", config.id].join(" ");
        const description = "";

        const objective = {
            target: 80.0,
            timeWindow: {
                rolling: {
                    count: 7,
                    unit: "DAY",

        const baseCondition = SqlString.format("entityGuid = ? AND name = ?", [entity.guid, config.transactionName]);

        const validWhere = baseCondition;
        const goodWhere = SqlString.format(`${baseCondition} AND duration < ?`, [0.5]);

        return new ServiceLevel(this, `${config.id}-latency-service-level`, {
            guid: entity.guid,
            name: [entity.name, name].join(" - "),
            events: {
                validEvents: {
                    from: "Transaction",
                    where: validWhere,
                goodEvents: {
                    from: "Transaction",
                    where: goodWhere,

        alertPolicy: AlertPolicy,
        endpointAlertConfig: EndpointAvailabilityAlertConfig,
    ): NrqlAlertCondition {
        const serviceLevel = endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel;
        const name = ["SLO violation", serviceLevel.name].join(" ");
        const query = SqlString.format(
                "FROM Metric",
                "  100 - clamp_max((sum(newrelic.sli.valid) - sum(newrelic.sli.bad)) / sum(newrelic.sli.valid) * 100, 100) as 'Error Rate'",
                "WHERE sli.guid = ?",
            ].join(" "),

        const alertCondition = new NrqlAlertCondition(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition`, {
            // Workaround: https://github.com/cdktf/cdktf-provider-newrelic/issues/972
            policyId: Fn.tonumber(alertPolicy.id),
            type: "static",
            nrql: {
            critical: {
                operator: "ABOVE",
                threshold: this.calculateThreshold(endpointAlertConfig.serviceLevel),
                thresholdDuration: 60,
                thresholdOccurrences: "AT_LEAST_ONCE",
            aggregationWindow: 3600,
            slideBy: 60,
            // null可だがnullの場合、常に差分が出るためデフォルト値を指定する
            violationTimeLimitSeconds: 259200,
        new EntityTags(this, `${endpointAlertConfig.id}-alert-condition-tags`, {
            guid: alertCondition.entityGuid,
            tag: [
                    key: "team",
                    values: endpointAlertConfig.teams,

        return alertCondition;

        serviceLevel: ServiceLevel,
        errorBudgetConsumptionRate = this.googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate,
    ): number {
        const sloTarget = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.target ?? 99.9;
        const errorRate = 1.0 - sloTarget / 100.0;
        const burnRate = this.calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate);
        // アラート閾値はパーセンテージ。かける100をする
        return errorRate * burnRate * 100;

    calculateBurnRate(serviceLevel: ServiceLevel, errorBudgetConsumptionRate: number): number {
        const sloTimeWindowDays = serviceLevel.objectiveInput?.timeWindow.rolling.count ?? 7;
        const sloTimeWindowHours = sloTimeWindowDays * 24;
        const alertWindowHours = 1.0;
        return (errorBudgetConsumptionRate * sloTimeWindowHours) / alertWindowHours;

    // Googleは1時間で2%のSLOエラーバジェット消費についてアラートを出すことを推奨している
    // https://sre.google/workbook/alerting-on-slos/
    get googleRecommendedErrorBudgetConsumptionRate(): number {
        return 0.02;

    createNotificationChannel(destinationId: string, team: Team): NotificationChannel {
        return new NotificationChannel(this, `${team.name}-notification-channel`, {
            name: `Team notification channel (${team.name})`,
            type: "SLACK",
            product: "IINT",
            property: [
                    key: "channelId",
                    value: team.slackChannelId,

    // https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/applied-intelligence/incident-workflows/incident-workflows/
        alertPolicies: AlertPolicy[],
        notificationChannel: NotificationChannel,
        team: Team,
        workflowEnabled: boolean,
    ): Workflow {
        return new Workflow(this, `${team.name}-workflow`, {
            name: `Team Alert Notification (${team.name})`,
            issuesFilter: {
                name: "filter by tag team",
                type: "FILTER",
                predicate: [
                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.policyId",
                        operator: "EXACTLY_MATCHES",
                        values: alertPolicies.map((alertPolicy) => {
                            return alertPolicy.id;
                        attribute: "accumulations.tag.team",
                        operator: "CONTAINS",
                        values: [team.name],
            mutingRulesHandling: "NOTIFY_ALL_ISSUES",
            destination: [
                    channelId: notificationChannel.id,
            enabled: workflowEnabled,

const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, "techblog-2023-09", {
    newrelicAccountId: Number(process.env.NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID),
    newrelicRegion: "US",
    entityName: process.env.ENTITY_NAME!,
    slackDestinationId: process.env.SLACK_DESTINATION_ID!,



  • 全体的にリファクタリング
    • 役割ごとにConstructを分割したり
    • 設定項目を別ファイルに切り出したり
  • アプリケーション全体の可用性、レイテンシーを扱うServiceLevelを追加
  • チームごとにServiceLevelが一覧できるダッシュボードを作成
  • S3Backendを利用してtfstateをS3に保存
  • NewsPicksのサブシステムにも対応



監視項目の追加、変更、削除が一瞬でNew Relicに反映されるのがめちゃくちゃ気持ちいいです。

CDK for Terraformの存在を知らなかったので、AWS, GCP, Azureのようなクラウドサービス以外をTypescriptで型の支援がある中でIaC化できるのは衝撃的でした。ほとんどCDKと同じ感覚で使えるのがよいです。

自分で定義した関数が使えるというのがTerraformを直接使う場合との大きな違いで、とくにAlertConditionのServiceLevelに応じた閾値設定などはCDK for Terraformの強みが出た部分だと思いました。



*2:terraformにはData Sources(data)とResoruces(resource)という考えがあります。Data Sourcesはterraformの外部で作成された情報を参照する時に利用し、読み取り専用です。Resorucesはterraformでリソースを作成できます。




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